She was born in New York to Cuban parents, moved to the Hialeah neighborhood in Miami and has lived for decades in the city of Tampa, in the state of Florida. "At home they always spoke in Spanish and on the street, in English," Democrat Susan Valdés recalls proudly. Since 2022, this Cuban-American represents Tampa in the state House of Representatives. She does so within a legislature controlled by the Republican ruling party. From her seat, Valdés resists the ultra-conservative policies of Governor Ron DeSantis as a minority. Policies that, according to her, are especially harsh on the millions of Latinos who live and work in Florida. This state congresswoman does not hide her life path. On the contrary, she claims her identity and status as an immigrant.
"Many people who emigrate think that they have to abandon their culture, stop being who they are and fully immerse themselves in the American essence. But my message to people who are new and want to establish a life in the United States is to not forget where they came from. Because our Hispanic culture is very beautiful," she reflects on. Valdés also analyzes DeSantis' fall in the Republican race, the support of Latino voters to Donald Trump, the economic situation and the fight for the right to abortion.
Trump led a massive eventi in Hialeah, showing the support he has among Cuban and Latino voters, despite his anti-immigrant speech. How do you explain it?
That's the million dollar question. Even I don't understand it. How is a person going to migrate from a country in which they feel harassed, where they do not feel free and do not have opportunities to express their voice, to end up voting for a candidate who they admit will be a dictator if re-elected?! Gentleman, this is the United States! If you want to be a dictator, please leave my country alone! The change that is being seen is abrupt. For example, in Florida there are a lot of really anti-Hispanic policies being created.
Do you think there are racist policies against Hispanics in Florida?
SB 1718, that DeSantis signed in Florida last year, is totally anti-Hispanic immigrants. The individual who does not appear to be Hispanic is not going to be harassed. If he or she is blonde and has blue eyes, they're not going to stop him or her to ask questions. These are aggressive things. It's going to the extreme. Things at the extremes are not good. Neither too far to the left nor too far to the right are good. The best policies are made when two people who see things differently, but who want to reach the same result, sit down at a table like adults to talk. Then they find solutions.
That negotiation on immigration policies is paralyzed in the Senate. Does Joe Biden's administration have responsibilities in the face of the crisis at the border and no dialogue?
No president, whether Republican or Democrat, has addressed the issue of immigration. Putting all this on President Biden's side is a little unfair. He inherited a mess and he had to fix many things. In my opinion, he is doing a good job with what he has. In the Federal Congress, the majority is Republican, and now they do not want to do anything about the immigration situation. Because President Biden is willing to do his job judiciously and read the bipartisan proposal that the Republicans make to him. But as of today, Republican congressmen have not yet put forward a proposal. But they always criticize the administration. Congress needs to take action.
Do you criticize any other thing of DeSantis' management in Florida?
Home insurance, housing, the elderly who are stuck on a fixed salary and are about to lose their condos or apartments. Those are crises that you have to put your effort into and resolve. Housing here in Florida has a much higher cost than in the rest of the country. People complain about President Biden's inflation. But Governor DeSantis' inflation in housing costs here is much higher than the rest of the country. In addition, the governor rejected the money offered by the Department of Agriculture of the Federal Government for the environment.
Regarding inflation in access to housing in Florida, what initiatives do you have in the state Congress?
Let's put things into perspective again. In the House of Representatives we are 120. Of the 120, 36 are Democrats and 84 are Republicans. We are a minority. They make their decisions and we can provide suggestions, amendments and, depending on the representatives and the friendly relations they may have, there may be some changes. But that has not been common. The common thing is that they present their projects, they don't want to listen and that car goes forward.
"Si las cosas se dan como parecen, el presidente va a ser de nuevo Donald Trump"
Does the same dynamic occur in the state Senate?
In the Senate it is the same. It is very difficult for us to carry out bills that make common sense and help ordinary Floridians. Not those that benefit the owners of farms or corporations. The workers who have to add part-time work to be able to put food on the table and support their housing are the Floridians we must support. Courageous people who in many cases are Hispanic. The rich, on the other hand, will always be rich.
What about abortion rights in Florida? What is going to happen? DeSantis promoted new restrictions and Democrats gathered signatures for a state referendum.
Signatures are being checked to be able to make the delegation to the Supreme Court and for that amendment to be on the ballot in the state of Florida in November 2024. Abortion is not a matter of taste. Nobody uses it as a means of control to avoid giving birth to a boy. Women in general do not think of it as an option. But it is important for a woman's health, because she suffers from negligence in an ectopic pregnancy and she is the one with the uterus. The woman is the one who has to be able to make that decision, with her doctor, her family and her pastor.
What do you think Florida Latinos would vote in the abortion referendum?
I think it depends on the way you describe it. When you use the word abortion, most Latina women don't want it. It would be very difficult for me to undergo that procedure. It would have to be from rape or if my life was in danger. But I am not the one to judge other women who have to resort to that procedure. Men, even less so. That is why it has to be available for women's health.
What do you think of DeSanti's collapse in the Republican race, when a year ago he was the candidate to replace Trump?
I think it is because of the radical policies and cultural wars. The rest of the country does not have those same opinions. What is happening here in Florida is unique. DeSantis sank with his own radical policies, disrespecting people, not responding to real criticism and concerns that people have. He hold cultural wars similar to those that occur in communism, where the first thing that happens is removing books from libraries. It's the first thing! Or get into personal lives. Government has nothing to do with who you want to love. But here it gets involved in everything, without solving the daily problems of families.
Do you think Biden is the best Democratic candidate against Trump?
I see a polarized scenario. And I see that President Biden is doing a lot of things to help everyday Americans. The economy is moving forward. Unemployment is super low, many manufacturing jobs are created. But the only thing you hear is about cultural wars and problems in the Federal Congress created by the Republican majority. Biden tries to help those who aspire to achieve the American dream, pursuing their careers, starting their business with peace of mind and prosperity.
How do you imagine a second Trump presidency?
Another presidency of that man is going to affect Hispanics negatively. He is not interested in the immigrant, he has said so. Every immigrant who has become an American citizen and votes, at one time or another was illegally. So we can't forget where and how we came from. There are good, bad and average people everywhere, but you can't paint them all with the same brush. That is wrong. I want our people to open their eyes, recognize that democracy is important. Trump has told us that on day one he is going to be a dictator. Do you want to live in a country where there is a dictator? Didn't they leave their countries looking for freedom? I do not want a dictator for the United States and I hope our people do not want one either.
Translator: Bibiana Ruiz.
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