Argentina 2019
Macri may be considering exile in Spain if Alberto and Cristina win the election
Argentina's First Lady Juliana Awada will travel to Madrid for a Soledad Pastorutti concert, amid rumors that his husband might move to the Spanish capital if he loses the re-election.

The first lady will travel to Spain with the excuse of attending a performance by La Sole, which will be part of the all-star cast of the show "Las Elegidas", which includes other artists from Spain and Argentina. Lali, Tini, Bebe, la Niña Pastori and Marta Sánchez, will parade through the stage of the Teatro Real in Madrid next Monday.

Curiously, Soledad will play much closer to the Argentine presidential residence Olivos just four days after the Madrid show, when she participates in the Festival Cultura Campo in Junín. For her part, La Sole will play at the Teatro Ópera on October 5 and 6, less than 800 meters from the Casa Rosada.

De facto Parliamentarism

The show of Pastorutti would not be the main reason for Awada's brief trip: there are reports that the first lady could go on a real estate hunt. "The story is that she's looking for a home," a source told LPO.

Inside the administration they don't hide Macri's intention to go into exile in Europe for a while if Alberto Fernández wins the presidential election in October. In that sense, there is talk of destinations like Sardinia or the Amalfi Coast, in Italy, the country of origin of the Macri family. But Madrid is also mentioned. 

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