Argentina 2019
Poll: Alberto increases the gap over Macri and surpasses 54 percent of the preferences
According to a Gustavo Córdoba poll, half of the surveyed consider the government's anti-crisis measures "inopportune" and "late".

A poll by Gustavo Córdoba & Asociados places Peronist candidate Alberto Fernández with 54.5 percent of the votes, almost 23 points ahead of Mauricio Macri who has a weak 31.8 percent.

The study maintains that there is a consolidation of the difference between the candidate of the Frente de Todos and the President, entering into "inertia in which there are almost no uncertainties about the possible outcome of the October elections."

The poll, conducted on September 13 and 14 throughout the country and based on 1200 participants, shows a strong polarization between Fernández (54.5 percent) and Macri (31.8 percent) with respect to Roberto Lavagna (6.1 percent), Nicolás Del Caño (2.2 percent), José Luis Espert (1.4 percent) and Juan José Gómez Centurión (0.7 percent).

The study argues that Alberto Fernández "could face a growth process that will surely allow him to increase the gap with respect to Macri's electoral percentage".

Regarding the ruling party, the report points out that there are still no elements or signs that suggest the possibility of reversing the result of August 11. "On the contrary -he affirms- it is clear that at this moment, the main challenge for the ruling party will be to maintain fidelity from its base and avoid falling below 30 percent".

The survey shows a new decrease in the approval of the administration, from 37.1 percent last month to 32.7 percent. Rejection remained at the same level: almost 60 percent.

As for the image of the candidates: Macri has a 61.4 percent negative, compared to 31.7 percent positive and Alberto Fernandez, 55.4 percent positive compared to 35.3 percent negative.

Regarding the economic and political events that followed the election of August 11, the work maintains that all the battery of economic measures taken by the national government is played by half of those surveyed as "late" and "inopportune. 

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