Government of Alberto Fernández hit hard by election loss in Argentina
The defeat throughout the country generated a climate of war in the governing coalition. There is uncertainty over the reaction of Vice President Cristina Kirchner.

The government of Alberto Fernández suffered a hit from the defeat in the primary elections that precede the political scenario for the elections of November 14.

The ruling party lost 19 provinces, including Buenos Aires, leaving behind a tense scenario that has already led to cabinet changes.

On Sunday evening, there were critical meetings between the main actors of the ruling coalition, while uncertainty reigned over Cristina Kirchner's reaction to the defeat.

The vice president was very critical of the functioning of the cabinet, even when the elections were one year away, and now they fear that, in the face of defeat, their followers will be radicalized. Kirchner's supporters believes that Alberto Fernández's moderate profile no longer works, and in two years that would leave them without a majority in the House of Representatives and with the quorum at risk in the Senate.

The ruling party lost 19 provinces, including Buenos Aires, leaving behind a tense scenario that has already led to cabinet changes.

Within this context of perplexity, the Government highlighted that Cristina has gained points in Chacarita, although they fear an onslaught against Kirchnerism motivated by the crisis involving the president.

"We are going to have to do something," LPO heard from the Executive Branch in relation to future cabinet changes aiming to maintain the unity of the front. "There will possibly be changes," said Foreign Minister Felipe Solá as he exited the bunker.

"It's obvious that what has been done has not been enough," said Alberto from the Chacarita bunker, from which he left before Sergio Massa and a few other ministers. "They have not accompanied us in the way we would have wanted them to," he added.

"I have two years of government ahead of me, I'm not going to lower my guard," said the president, whose re-election was gaining points with the central provinces, according to LPO reports.

On the side of the opposition, the winner was the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires Horario Rodríguez Larreta, who, in addition to winning his own region, also earned the provinces of Buenos Aires and Córdoba, against the candidates that former President Mauricio intended to impose. With the results of the primaries, Larreta's presidential project for 2023 has grown stronger.

Finally, it was a meritorious election for the Trotskyist left party consolidated as the third political force throughout the country, which reported historical figures in the province of Buenos Aires, the City of Buenos Aires and Jujuy, while the extreme right, represented by the ultraliberal economist Javier Milei, caused political concern for the presidential elections scheduled for two years from now.  

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