
Pedro Sánchez Reaches Out to the Opposition to Defuse the Violent Demonstrations in Catalonia

The Spanish government will wait until the weekend to apply extraordinary measures in Barcelona. On Tuesday more than 40 thousand took to the streets.

Spanish President Pedro Sanchez made an urgent call to opposition leaders from the PP, Pablo Casado; Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, and Unidas Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, to implement measures to curb violence in Catalonia after a massive demonstration on Tuesday, where more than 40 thousand took to the streets. The Spanish government is contemplating the application of exceptional measures such as the National Security Law if the situation in Catalonia has not simmered down by the weekend.

Pablo Casado has been the most receptive to Sánchez and, according to sources, has accepted the proclamation of exceptional measures if the State Security Forces and Corps are overwhelmed by the violent protests. Casado is in favor of sending Catalonian President Quim Torra a "request" to comply with his "constitutional and legal obligations" in case it is necessary to apply the 155 law. Ciudadanos leader Albert Rivera, on the other hand, supports the application of the 155 directly, while Iglesias will support the government on defusing the situation.

Government sources pointed out to LPO that "coordination works without exceptional measures having to be implemented for the time being". However, there has been some concern since Friday, when the five 'Marches for Freedom' called by ANC and Òmnium converge in the Condal City; the general strike, the strikes at universities and colleges and the calls by the CDRs to collapse El Prat again. Sources already point out that the airport is considered critical infrastructure and, therefore, Sánchez "should have already declared the application of the National Security Law".

The Committees in Defense of the Republic (CDR) reserve forces until Friday, they revealed in private chats in which they encourage their members to "save energy" for the weekend. On Friday several protests will converge and the government foresees "agitated" days coming. The unions Intersindical-CSC and the IAC have called a general strike in Catalonia for next Friday.

The Generalitat has decreed minimum services in TMB transport -including metro, buses, and trams from Barcelona.

On Friday, the five columns from the 'Marches for Freedom' organized by the ANC and Òmnium will converge, which will cause major cuts in the roads and highways of Catalonia. The Catalan universities' student unions have called for a general strike on the 16, 17 and 18 October.

The Sindicat d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans (SEPC) calls for a "stop to everything against the repression of the people". Several universities have modified their usual schedules this week.

These appeals are added to those of the CDRs that continue to call for violence through their chats so that this weekend they can "take El Prat again, cut the main highways and access highways to Catalonia and close the railroads". From the Moncloa palace, the government is asking for calm and insist that "proportionality will be followed in accordance with the events that have occurred".