
The decline of the Argentinian elites

The failure in overcoming the crack is also anchored in the persistence of the elites by means of failed strategies.

Decadence in Argentina cannot be explained without its elites. The failure of the best team in the last fifty years is barely the vengeful formulation of a deeper and extended phenomenon that today is amazed at Cristina Kirchner's resurgence. When convictions turn into hatred, the irruption of reality is usually perceived as an unpleasant surprise.

The construction of Cambiemos was supported from the positive side in the imagination of a republican and developmental process, which summarizes the best of Peronism and radicalism, a vision of ethics and country in managing public affairs. However, it also had an element of visceral antiperonism, which ended up prevailing and this explains the failure in overcoming the polarization that poisons Argentina.

A failure the government seems to recognize, late and wrong, with the opportunistic call for a "National Agreement", and which in its adhesion contract states ten points of lazy emptiness, exposes such a superficial vision in politics as the persistence of an elitist formation that leads to believe that one was born to rule without taking into account if one has the qualities to do so. Nevertheless, if the deal is sought after with similar thinking individuals, what kind of trascendental agreement is this?

If the "choripaneros", driven by the irresistible aroma of sizzling meat, used to be the dark side of Kirchnerist populism, the unbearable lightness of country club culture is the pest in a government that in too many occasions has been lost between indolence and whims.

The insistence of the elites in pointing out only one mistake as a cause for their own destruction is a phenomenon as old as it is new. Steve Bannon had on his desk, while he served as Trump's White House Chief Strategist, a book which was a warning by itself, David Halberstam's The Best And The Brightest. The book is an exhaustive look on the failure in Vietnam, of that top group from the last fifty years, which accompanied Kennedy to the White House, that elegant and graceful elite, educated at the best Ivy League colleges, and which kept its blindness even when they worked for the pragmatic Lyndon B. Johnson.

It would be fascinating to observe -albeit the high cost-, how the best and most brilliant people in Argentina have failed so much in their strategies to overcome and replace Kirchnerism, as well as the orchestration of a development program for the elusive Argentine potentiality.

It would be fascinating to observe -albeit the high cost-, how the best and most brilliant people in Argentina have failed so much in their strategies to overcome and replace Kirchnerism, as well as the orchestration of a development program for the elusive Argentine potentiality.

Defeat is so broad that it can be extended to the entire battlefield, and only the constant failure of the ample elite that accompanied Macri, beginning with the media, explains that we have not seen the depths of it yet.

Kirchnerism unleashed a division with the establishment, and in doing so it reproduced the worst shape of early Peronism, when arrogance gave them the strength in believing that they were the ones who were "doing something serious" for the outcasts, and which ended locking them up. We already know that and it has been told before.

Right now we are witnessing the failure of the other side from that machinery which dooms us to holdback. The one caused by this elite imposed itself in 2015, with promises of inclusive and tolerant modernity. By the end of its mandate, it did not deliver either.

The most noticeable thing is that months away from a crucial election process, we see from both fractions the rise of a simulated self criticism: Kirchnerism's approach towards markets and Macrism's openness to political dialogue, as the shiniest expressions in these dance moves. As if in the other end there was the capacity of understanding what hurts us, but for some ancestral reason, once in power it gets lost.